Patricia is a Family Physician with a focused practice in mental health. She is an associate professor at the University of Toronto, department of Family and Community Medicine, cross appointed to Psychiatry. She initiated and chaired the Ontario College of Family Physicians, Collaborative Mental Health Care Network for a decade and continues to act as a mentor to Family Physicians delivering mental health care. She has extensive experience training healthcare providers in Stress Reduction, CBT,
Allison McLay has over 25 years of experience in psychological assessment and counseling, in private practice and in a university setting. She has been facilitating MBCT groups for over 12 years. Her experience has included delivering and developing MBSR and applied mindfulness groups for individuals with ADHD and ASD’s at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies and at York University. She provides professional training of MBI’s at the Centre and other settings and is a certified mentor in MBCT and
Blakie Sahay (she/her) BA, BscOT., MEd., is an occupational therapist, psychotherapist, and mindfulness facilitator. She holds certifications in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and various trauma-informed certifications. At the Centre for Mindfulness Studies (Toronto, Canada), Blakie facilitates mindfulness-based group programs for mental health, develops course curricu
Tom works as an occupational therapist in private practice and with Vancouver Coastal Mental Health and Substance Use Program in Vancouver, Canada. He is a mentor for MBCT and MBSR teachers-in-training at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies, an advisor with the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, and a clinical faculty at the University of British Columbia School of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. Since 2006, Tom has developed and facilitated mindfulness courses for people who
Dr. Willard is a psychologist and educational consultant based in Boston specializing in mindfulness. He has been practicing meditation for 20 years, and has led hundreds of workshops around the world, with invitations to more than two dozen countries. He currently serves on the board of directors at the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, and is the president of the Mindfulness in Education Network. He has presented at TEDx conferences and his thoughts have appeared in the New York Time
Licensed Clinical PsychologistAssociate Clinical Professor in the UC San Diego Department of Family Medicine Public HealthFounding Director of the UC San Diego Center for MindfulnessMBSR and MSC teacher trainer He leads MBSR and MSC intensives and workshops around the world.
Karenis faculty in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, and a research fellow at the University of North Carolina Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. She is a certified instructor of Mindful Self-Compassion; co-creator of curriculum for Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens.
Susan is a psychotherapist and meditation facilitator in private practice in the Boston area and western suburbs. Susan is on the faculty of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy as a Section Leader for its Certificate Program. In addition her work at the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion, Susie also teaches MSC to veterans at the Providence VA. Susan is a trained teacher for Mindful Self-Compassion through the UCSD Center for Mindfulness. She also serves as a Regional Ambassador fo
Balinda is the Founder of Mindfulness Space, one of the founders of CCMA, a faculty and mentor in MBCT with the Centre for Mindfulness Studies, and she is certified Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher and MBCR(Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery) program facilitator in Wellspring, Canada
Michael is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Division of Psychosocial Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. As a clinical psychologist at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre, he counsels cancer patients and their families, facilitates a range of group support programs, and cofounded the Centre's popular Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery program.
Jade holds a Master's degree from Tsinghua University, Master's degree in Counseling Psychology from Pala Alto University, U.S.A.She is Senior MBCT Facilitator (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy),MBCT-LMBSR Facilitator.She plays an important role as interpreter in CCMA-CMS MBCT Facilitator Training ProgramsShe is teacher of The Gift of Now children's brain development and happiness class, teacher of the U.S. Mental Self-Care (MSC) program.
Dr. Jean Kristeller is the co-founder and past-president of The Center for Mindful Eating. She has received multiple NIH-funded research grants to study the science and clinical application of Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT), which she developed, with the valuable input from many students and colleagues. She is a clinical and research psychologist who has worked for over 30 years in the areas of obesity, eating disorders and the therapeutic value of meditation, with over 30
Balinda is the Founder of Mindfulness Space, one of the founders of CCMA, a faculty and mentor in MBCT with the Centre for Mindfulness Studies, and she is certified Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher and MBCR(Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery) program facilitator in Wellspring, Canada
Paul is a clinical psychologist and founding member of IMP. Hereceived his doctoral degree in Comparative Human Development from Harvard University and his clinical training through Harvard Medical School at Cambridge Hospital. He has served as clinical director of a large state psychiatric facility, directed an outpatient clinic for deinstitutionalized patients, program director for a private psychiatric hospital, and director of mental health for a large managed care organization. A 50 year st
Dr. Siegel is Assistant Professor of Psychology, part time, Harvard Medical School; serves on the Board of Directors and faculty, Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy; is author of The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems, coauthor of Back Sense: A Revolutionary Approach to Halting the Cycle of Chronic Back Pain and Sitting Together: Essential Skills for Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy; and coeditor of Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition.
Iris is a Certified MBCT Facilitator with Centre for Mindfulness Studies, MB-EAT Facilitator. She is the Secretary-General of China-Canada Mindfulness Association (China)
Jane is a MBCT Facilitator-in-training with Centre for Mindfulness Studies and assistant Psychologist . She is the Secretary-General of China-Canada Mindfulness Association (Canada)
Qualified MBSR teacher by CFM UmassMindful Self-Compassion Teacher Trained by CMSC in UCSDAssistant Professor from Third Military Medical UniversityPhysician in department of cardiology at XinQiao Hospital in ChongqingThe translator of Full Catastrophe Living (English to Simplified Chinese).
Iris is a Certified MBCT Facilitator with Centre for Mindfulness Studies,MB-EAT FacilitatorShe is the Secretary-General of China-Canada Mindfulness Association (China)
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction(MBSR) Facilitator, Center of Mindfulness Study, CanadaMindfulness for Wise Heart Facilitator, California Institute of HealthErickson Certified Life Coach, Parenting CoachMindfulness Instructor, Community Mental Wellness Association of Canada(CMWAC)Certified Encouragement ConsultantTranslator and Instructor for Harvard Mindful Parenting Online CourseOver 10years of Yoga and Meditation practicesLiving in Vancouver, Canada with family